
Harrows have been essential to agriculture for centuries! A harrow is just what you need if you want to aerate the ground or level it after having used a cultivator. Using a harrow is a quick and effective way to prepare a surface for cultivation.

All our harrows are powerfully constructed to withstand the strain from the substrate, year after year. If, in spite of this, if anything breaks down, we have spare parts. This helps to give the harrows a very long service life. Depending on the model, harrows can be used for everything from a gravelled paddock to a lawn. They also come in handy if you need to restore a surface that wild boar or badgers, for example, have made a mess of.

With harrows you can add value to your pasture

If you have pasture, a grassland harrow is a true investment, as it oxygenates the ground and inhibits tussock formation. Animal droppings are also worked down into the ground effectively. You simply earn money by using a harrow. If you have a pasture with a lot of dead grass, you'll gain by cultivating it more aggressively than if you have more green grass on the ground. The harrow's triangles are made of durable cast iron and are most effective in levelling molehills, wild boar damage etc. Grassland harrows are sold in various widths - choose your model on the basis of the size of the areas you want to cultivate and what you will be using to pull the harrow.

Among the harrows we sell, the harrow mat is an attractive alternative as it is cheap but nevertheless effective. It can be reversed and used for various purposes, depending on how thoroughly you want to cultivate the substrate.

Our harrows are sold with everything you need to fasten them to the tractor and start using your chosen model. If you have limited experience of harrows, you can watch our instruction films, which you can access via our product descriptions.

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